Remote Healing with our Rife Frequencies

Start your body energy balancing journey now! Our Rife Machine is your best drug-free solution for bringing back your good health.

The Healing Power of A Rife Machine

Green and pink frequency waves


Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist who lived from 1888 to 1971. Although he performed thousands of experiments, he successfully destroyed microorganisms with low-frequency radio waves. In other words, each microorganism has a specific frequency. When the same frequency is transmitted to mold, fungi, viruses, bacteria, amoeba, or parasites, the microorganism experiences structural stress, which destroys it. The host of the pathogen is not harmed.

The Rife Machine, which generates resonance waves, was named after the great scientist. The use of the machine has produced various results for users who seek healing for various illnesses.

The Benefits of Using a Rife Machine

An Increase In Efficacy

Radiofrequency energy increases efficacy. In other words, more diseased cells can be destroyed than possible through other treatment methods.

A Decrease In Treatments

With a machine that can target certain cells by frequency, the treatments go directly to where they should be focused which reduces how often it is needed. A reduction in the number of treatments necessary to fight a health problem also means less cost to you.

A Decrease In Side Effects

Again, because radio frequencies are precise, the risk of contracting side effects is greatly reduced. Although it is common for users to experience fatigue or light discomfort following treatment, these issues are usually easily managed and short-lived.

Maximise The Benefits of Using a Rife Machine

With all of this in mind, there is one way to maximize the benefits of using a Rife machine. It may seem obvious, but to get the most out of your treatments, you must schedule them to occur regularly. Depending on the type of health condition you are treating, and its severity, it is a general rule of thumb to schedule treatments every two weeks.

Remote Healing With Our Rife Machine

It is suggested that the very  first program to do is the Terrain Protocol Detox which prepares and clears  your body for more healing as it removes pathogens bacteria and toxins etc.  remotely for 10 -11 days.  With the Terrain Protocol the remote option can be used. All you need to do is book online and provide fingernails either via post or inhouse. Once the sample is in the machine it runs 24/7  remotely for you for the entire length of the program.  

Once the terrain protocol is complete and you wish to continue your health journey the next step is the biofeedback scan. For the Biofeedback Scan you need to visit the centre to provide a fresh  DNA sample.

The biofeedback function takes approx 40 minutes.  Once the biofeedback scan is complete we can then run the results plus any other frequencies that you would like remotely for  3 weeks 24/7 to see what results can be obtained.

Several Different Treatments

Rife Specific

This machine allows for many Rife machine treatments using  plasma, remote, contact which is tens,  PEMF coil, cold laser and more.  Presently using tens, pemf coil and cold laser and remote

It facilitates localised or spot treatment (eg. wounds, aches and pains) through contact, plasma or ultrasonic treatment.  These treatments must be in house and run for 1 hour.

Biofeedback Scan

Whether you are healthy or not, you may not fully understand what is happening inside your body. However, now there is a method that can help you comprehend the processes occurring within your body, perceive if it is functioning normally, identify potential conditions, and assist you in targeting and eliminating pathogens. And all of this can be accomplished in just a few minutes without blood tests or needles. 

This incredible method is called a biofeedback scan.

A biofeedback scan is a non-invasive assessment technique that measures and analyzes physiological responses from the body to gain insights into an individual’s health and well-being.

A biofeedback scan is a powerful tool for listening to your body and discovering the most suitable frequencies.

Frequency waves with pink and purple background

How Does Biofeedback Scan Work?

The principle of Rife frequencies states that pathogens can resonate with and be destroyed by specific frequencies.

A biofeedback scan, therefore, requires a frequency sweep in the body and a system to monitor the results. During this sweep, it kills or injures pathogens. Your body registers these events as stress, and each one is clearly recorded.

Then you can get your scan results and run the results to give your body the needed help.

green leaf

Get started on your journey to be the healthiest you can be today!

In pursuing your immediate health goal, don’t be surprised if other smaller problems disappear in the process.

green leaf

How A Rife Machine Can Treat Pain

Millions of people around the globe suffer from some form of chronic pain. The cause of that pain can be several sources including illness or injury. For some people with chronic pain, it is either so debilitating it impacts their quality of life, or it may be so serious that it is classified as life-threatening.

The electromagnetic waves produced by a Rife machine can be the solution for many who live with chronic pain. It can also encourage recovery from injury or illness. Because the Rife machine helps to kill bacteria and viruses, it reduces pain. If you have suffered from pain and it is reduced, your quality of life improves.

When you feel better, your productivity increases. So, in a way, a Rife machine creates a win/win situation when it is used to combat pain or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

The use of radio waves has been shown to result in users recovering from various injuries such as broken bones, muscle strains, joint pain, burns, and wounds. It has also helped ease the discomfort of illnesses ranging from colds and flu to major disease treatment and prevention.

If you suffer from chronic pain, a Rife machine may be the solution you have been looking for!

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