Scalar Wave Therapy

Scalar wave therapy can help: cell rejuvenation, balance energy levels, reduce stress, enhance circulation, relieve pain and support immune system function.
Nikola Tesla

Scalar waves were first identified by mathematical physicist James Clerk Maxwell during his work with electromagnetism. His work was essentially dismissed as scalar waves had not been empirically observed or verified among the scientific community. Nikola Tesla, known for his contributions to Alternating Current (AC) electricity, has been attributed to be the main founder of research into scalar waves. Tesla demonstrated the existence of scalar waves during his wireless energy transmission experiments in 1899.

What are Scalar Waves

Scalar waves are non-linear, non-Hertzian waves that are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are 180 degrees out of phase with each other. Scalar waves are longitudinal waves as are sound waves, Tsunami waves, glass vibrations and ultra-sound waves.

Vibrational or subtle energy research has been discovered that there are many types of scalar waves, including vital (qi) scalar waves, emotional scalar waves, mental scalar waves and more. Essentially, all scalar waves are made up of subtle energy.

Beneficial Properties of Scalar Waves

Some of the beneficial properties of scalar waves include:

  • Travel faster than the speed of light
  • Seem to transcend space and time
  • Cause the molecular structure of water to become coherently reordered
  • Positively increase immune function in mammals
  • Are involved in the formation process in nature

Scalar Waves for Healing

Given that scalar waves are vibrational waves, they have the ability to interact with our natural body frequencies at a cellular level. Influencing cellular resonance, scalar waves can help promote healing and overall wellness by balancing the body’s energy, reducing inflammation and enhancing cellular communication leading to improved health and faster recovery from various illnesses.

Potential Benefits of Scalar Wave Therapy

Potential benefits associated with scalar wave therapy delivered with our high-quality Scalar device:

  1. Cellular Rejuvenation:
    Scalar waves are thought to promote cellular regeneration and rejuvenation by enhancing the cells’ energy and communication. This may contribute to overall tissue health and vitality.
  2. Balancing Energy Levels:
    Scalar waves are believed to help balance the body’s energy field, addressing imbalances and promoting a harmonious flow of energy. This balance is thought to contribute to improved overall well-being.
  3. Stress Reduction and Relaxation:
    Scalar wave therapy is often associated with stress reduction and relaxation. The gentle frequencies may help the body enter a more relaxed state, potentially reducing the impact of stress on physical and mental health.
  4. Enhanced Circulation:
    The therapy is thought to positively influence blood circulation by promoting better flow. Improved circulation may contribute to the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells, supporting overall cardiovascular health.
  5. Pain Relief
    Some users report experiencing pain relief through scalar wave therapy. This may be attributed to the potential ability of scalar waves to influence the body’s biofield and reduce inflammation, leading to a decrease in pain symptoms.
  6. Support for Immune System Function:
    Scalar wave therapy is associated with potential benefits for the immune system. By promoting balance and well-being, it may contribute to a strengthened immune response, helping the body defend against various stressors and challenges.
Scalar Wave Therapy Machine

Our Scalar Wave Therapy Machine

We use the Tesla inspired SCALAR CLINIC/SWD machine developed by German Professor Konstantin Meyl.  Professor Meyl is a pioneer in Scalar Wave Therapy and has conducted thorough research to validate their efficacy.

Our Scalar Wave Therapy Machine comprises two free-standing housings that accommodate antennas and electronics. The open Tesla coil permits the direct introduction of substances bearing biological information into the magnetic field of the flat coil and modulation of the ‘biological information’ onto the carrier wave.

Tone frequencies on the machine can be modulated for applications like music therapy or Rife frequencies.

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